The Niche Browser is a powerful research tool for internet marketers. It lets you search for “niches” or keyword information on the Internet in a better way. This browser gives you one click access to many search engines such as Google, Live Search, Yahoo, Digg, Ask, Magnolia, Wink, Simpy, Snap, etc. It also provides you world search on local search engines of countries such as UK, Australia, Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada and France.
You can also get image, video and audio searches from any site on the web including niche sites such as Pixsy, Webshots, PureVideo, Yahoo, Google, Flickr, Riya, YouTube, etc. You will be able to find multimedia such as black and white photos, color photos, drawing/sketches, music, interviews, and movies by using the Niche Browser multimedia search. Podcast searches help you find video podcasts on Odeo, Delve, Everyzing and other sites. You can also perform RSS/Blog searches, subscribe to the RSS feeds from the browser and get information from the blogs. Niche Browser allows you to search for information in doc, PPT, xls, PDF and other files formats.
One of the good features of this browser for online marketers is that it allows them to check on the advertising being done by their competitors by entering a keyword and clicking the AdWord icon. I found this browser too much marketing oriented, but still its features are ones to go for. It is research oriented and hence can be used for that purpose. It can also be slotted among the good browsers available on the web.